PNWBD monitors legislation that affects the bleeding disorders community and advocates for policy changes when needed. We work hard to keep up to date on issues and work to educate our local politicians and healthcare officials about bleeding disorders and the resources for those affected to maintain the quality of life.

PNWBD Bleeding Disorder Advocacy Weekend

It’s more important than ever to advocate for the bleeding disorder community and others who live with chronic, lifelong, and or rare diseases. Unfavorable changes to access to health care and prescription cost issues are being considered by the Oregon Legislature in 2025.

Join us January 9, 2025 @ 6:00 PM for an Advocacy Day FAQ session to get your questions answered, learn more about upcoming legislation and the importance of telling YOUR story, and hear from others who have participated in the past. Email [email protected] for the meeting link.

Feb. 9, 2025, Advocacy Training Grand Hotel, Salem – Dinner, education & preparation for appointments with legislators for the following day

Feb. 10, 2025, PNWBD’s Bleeding Disorders Awareness Day Grand Hotel & Oregon State Capital, Salem – Breakfast, followed by scheduled meetings with elected officials at the Oregon State Capital

Contact our office at [email protected] for more information on PNWBD’s 2025 Bleeding Disorders Advocacy Weekend

You have the power to impact the future of your access to better treatment and care through your own advocacy. Policymakers in Salem, OR, and Washington, DC need to hear from you to make educated and informed decisions on legislation impacting you and your family. Their awareness of bleeding disorders starts with you. Become your own advocate and make a difference.

Every year PNWBD invites community members to stand with us at the Oregon State Capital in Salem to keep our elected officials informed of the struggles facing people who live with bleeding disorder. Community members come together for dinner & training the night before to understand current legislation and gain confidence to tell your story to elected officials. The next morning starts with an early breakfast followed by scheduled appointments with elected officials at the Oregon State Capital. Contact our office to get involved.

How Can You Engage Your Legislators?

As a constituent, advocacy is a powerful tool. There are many ways you can reach your legislators. The most common and effective forms are writing a letter, sending an email, calling your legislator, and meeting with your legislator and/or their staff.

Get in touch with your federal, state, and local elected leaders:

We can help!

Contact Us to find out more about becoming an effective advocate.

For more information or to attend Advocacy Day please contact our office. Become a member of PNWBD and receive exclusive information and invitations.