Annually Pacific Northwest Bleeding Disorders is pleased to offer an Educational Travel Grant to attend either Hemophilia Federation of America Symposium or National Bleeding Disorders Foundation Annual Bleeding Disorders Conference. These annual national level meetings enable our community to come together and exchange information on a wide variety of topics, from the basics of diagnosis to the most recent and relevant developments in treatment and technology. These meetings are premier opportunities for networking and support for individuals and families affected by bleeding disorders in the United States.


Thanks to the member Kevin Finkle, aka Crooked Branch, who founded the Crooked Branch Scholarship Fund, PNWBD has the ability to support an individual with a bleeding disorder and a traveling companion (either a significant other or child) to attend one of these meetings. Education Travel Grant recipients will be determined through an equitable selection process conducted by a volunteer review team. Preference will be given to those who have not previously attended national meetings in the recent past. Each grant will cover up to two family members. PNWBD is able to support one grant this year. Applicants must be at least 18 years old.

Travel Grant Covers

  • Roundtrip travel: including airport parking and meals while traveling
  • Hotel Room while at the meetings and some meals to be determined
  • Registration Fees for the meetings

Travel Grant Terms

Below are the terms of the Crooked Branch Travel Grant that are committed to when a signed application is submitted.

  • I have read the Crooked Branch Travel Scholarship Guidelines and understand the way grants are awarded and that if I win, I will be responsible for any cost NOT LISTED in the grant guidelines as being covered.
  • I agree to volunteer for at least one PNWBD event in the next year, if I am awarded this grant.
  • I agree to write a short article describing my experience for the PNWBD Bleeding Disorders Bulletin, if I am awarded this grant.
  • I understand that if I am awarded the grant, I will need to give PNWBD a credit card number to keep on file until the conference is over. If I no-show or cancel without a legitimate excuse, I will be responsible for any non-refundable expenses incurred by PNWBD.

Pacific Northwest Bleeding Disorders awards an annual scholarship for post-secondary education for individuals with a bleeding disorder, and their immediate family members, residing in the state of Oregon & SW Washington. Scholarship awards can be used for tuition, room and board, and related expenses at the post-secondary institution (college, university, trade/vocational school). The award recipient will be asked to provide a photo for the PNWBD newsletter.


  • Must have a bleeding disorder or be directly related to someone with a bleeding disorder.
  • Must attend fully accredited graduate program, 4-year college, junior college, community college, technical school, trade, vocational school, or certificate program.
  • Must be a resident of the State of Oregon or SW Washington (but may attend school in another state).
  • Must have a need for the scholarship.

For more information or to apply for the scholarships listed please contact our office. Become a member of PNWBD and receive exclusive information regarding grants and scholarships.